Friday, February 3, 2012

Transmission of the U.S. citizenship to IVF babies born abroad to American mothers and/or fathers.

Some experts are questioning the virtue of current rules on the transmission of U.S. citizenship to IVF babies born to American mothers and/or fathers abroad, ans especially those cases where donor's eggs and sperm have been used.

According to a June 2011 report by the State Department's Office of Inspector General, the Bureau of Consular Affairs "is aware that the regulations and laws [relating to the transmission of citizenship through surrogacy] have not kept pace with technology and is working with legal advisers and other agencies to update policies 

Monday, January 30, 2012

How much it would cost to deport all undocumented (illegal) immigrants currently living in the U.S.A. - at least US$285 Billion, or $23,480 per person.

Cost of deportation: Deporting all of America's illegal immigrants would cost US$285 Billion.

A year ago, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director told Congress it costs about $12,500 to deport an undocumented immigrant.

However, a 2010 report by Center for American Progress and Rob Paral and Associates took a close look at all the budget appropriations for ICE and broke down the costs per person for each one of the four stages of deportation process: apprehension, detention, legal proceeding and transportation. The whopping cost of deportation per person that they came up with is $23,480.

The report states that ICE and US Customs and Borders Protection budgets have increased by 80% since 2005, amounting to $17.1 billion in FY2010. If US were to undertake a mass deportation campaign its cost over five years would be $285 billion.

Here is the breakdown of the $23,480 figure:
1. Apprehension: $18,310
2. Detention: $3,355
3. Legal Proceedings: $817
4. Transportation: $1,000.

Read more at 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Official statistics by the U.S. Dept of State of rate of B-1/B-2 visa denial worldwide, including Moscow, Russia. Официальная статистика уровня отказа в туристической визе в посольстве США в Москве и по другим странам.

Официальная статистика опубликованная Госдепом США за 2011, 2010 и 2009 года показывает, что процент отказов на гостевые (туристические) визы в московском посольстве США вырос с 4.9% (2009) до 10.1% (2010) до 10.3% (2011).

Интересно отметить, что уровень отказов в Бразилии, которую нередко сравнивают с Россией по темпам экономического роста и размерам, составлял 5.2% в 2010 и 3.8% в 2011 – более, чем в два раза ниже, чем в России.

По сравнению с этим, уровень отказов в гостевой визе на Украине намного выше - 31.8% (в 2010) и 29% (в 2011).

Уровень отказов в гостевой (туристической) визе в странах бывшего Советского Союза и сопредельных государствах остается очень высоким:

Россия - 10.1% (2010) - 10.3% (2011)
Украина - 31.8% (2010) - 29.0% (2011)
Беларусь - 19.7% (2010) - 19.4% (2011)
Казахстан - 9.4% (2010) - 8.3% (2011)
Армения - 51.4% (2010) - 54.5% (2011)
Молдавия - 38.5% (2010) - 44.5% (2011)
Узбекистан - 46.8% (2010) - 50.2% (2011)
Монголия - 37.1% (2010) - 44.5% (2011)
Израель - 6.4% (2010) - 6.9% (2011).

Для перехода на безвизовый режим поездок между странами, уровень отказов должен быть менее 3%. Как показывает статистика, большинству стран до этого ещн далеко.

Избежать отказов не всегда возможно. Но с помощью хорошего иммиграционного адвоката можно постараться преодалеть прошлые отказы, предотвратить ошибки, приводящие к отказам в визе и улучшить свои шансы на успешное получение гостевой или туристической визы в США. Мы будем рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь за помощью по электронной почте. Наши контактные данные указаны на этой странице -

С официальной статистикой по отказу в американской туристической или гостевой визе во всех странах мира можно ознакомиться по следующим ссылкам:





Statistics for 2009 and 2010 and 2011 demonstrates that rate of visa denials by the U.S. embassy in Moscow, Russia, has increased from 4.9% to 10.1% in 2010 to 10.3% in 2011. This is twice higher than visa denial rate in the U.S. embassy in Brazil, 5.2% (2010) and 3.8% (2011), for example. In comparison, rate B-1/B-2 visa denials in Ukraine is 31.8% (2010) and 29.0% (2011).

Please see official statistics for B-1/B-2 U.S. visa denial rates for all countries of the world here:




Friday, January 20, 2012

Practical implementation of Prosecutorial Discretion policy at the Denver Immigration Court.

The New York Times reported that approximately one in six (1 in 6) cases reviewed at the Denver immigration court in a pilot program following the "Prosecutorial Discretion" 2011 USCIS memo may be indefinitely suspended.


President Obama orders speed-up in Visa Processing, to expand Visa Waiver program.

President Obama orders speed-up in Visa Processing.

Read President's Executive Order at

January 19, 2012

Executive Order -- Establishing Visa and Foreign Visitor Processing Goals and the Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness

[...] (i) increase nonimmigrant visa processing capacity in China and Brazil by 40 percent over the coming year;
(ii) ensure that 80 percent of nonimmigrant visa applicants are interviewed within 3 weeks of receipt of application, recognizing that resource and security considerations and the need to ensure provision of consular services to U.S. citizens may dictate specific exceptions;

(iii) increase efforts to expand the Visa Waiver Program and travel by nationals of Visa Waiver Program participants; and

(iv) expand reciprocal recognition programs for expedited travel, such as the Global Entry program. [..]